• Top Ten Blogs To Learn How To Use Twitter For Your Business

    Posted on 2013-03-19 by Atlante Avila

    Twitter is an indispensable tool for “social media marketing”. Here we’ve identified 25 of the most useful blogs out there that help light the way on this dark and endless road that we call social media. These blogs will be useful to you whether you just created your Twitter account and have no idea what to do with it  or even if you’ve been using it for a while and want to add “umph” to your social media endeavors. Learn how to use Twitter for your business today!


    1. The Nicky Blog – The Nicky blog is a plethora of advice on social media strategy as a whole.
    2. Twitter Tools & Tips Blog – The Twitter Tools & Tips Blog is packed with advice you need to kick-start your Twitter marketing strategy.
    3. TwitterFools – TwitterFools is a great resource for Twitter users, including plenty of tips, tools and advice for making money with Twitter or generating business and followers.
    4. Hugh Briss – Hugh Briss covers all things social media on his self-named blog, but he doles out plenty of valuable Twitter advice.
    5. TweetSmarter – TweetSmarter is a comprehensive resource on all things Twitter, with some general social media goodies mixed in. Get info on Twitter lists, etiquette, SEO, Follow Friday and answers to pretty much any burning question that’s been on your mind.
    6. Twitip – Twitip is the complete guide to getting the most out of Twitter. Add this blog to your RSS feed to stay up-to-date on all the latest Twitter news and happenings, tips on maximizing your Twitter for business strategy, and information on the best tools to make Twitter more efficient.
    7. Twitterrati – Twitterrati is the brainchild of Mark Evans, who shares all his expertise on all things Twitter.
    8. Tweasier – The Tweasier Blog is your guide to using Twitter like a pro, with insights on trends in the world of Twitter marketing, how celebs use Twitter, the latest tools and techniques and more.
    9. Ask Aaron Lee – Aaron Lee shares his expertise on the social media scene at large, along with plenty of advice on mastering Twitter for business.
    10. Debbie Hemley – Debbie Hemley’s tagline is “all the news that’s fit to blog, tweet & post,” and she delivers just that with broad views of the online marketing and social media scene—with plenty of insights focused on Tweeting like a pro. Debbie is also a contributor at Social Media Examiner.

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